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  • Writer's pictureDeacon Bob Evans

Walking in Twilight

For many of us, life seems a lot more difficult these days. Some of it, of course, is because we’ve aged. But, life itself seems much more demanding, and to make things worse many of the tenants of our faith are under challenge.

Trying to discern what God is asking of us is a bit like walking in twilight.

Trying to discern what God is asking of us in the face of all this is a bit like walking in twilight. We can see what’s near at hand, but it’s not very clear at all what’s ahead. We move on with what we can see, trusting that all will be well, but often worrying that it will only be getting darker soon. Where can we turn for encouragement?

From the Gospel accounts, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, certainly the most blessed among us, experienced this “walking in twilight” many times. From the beginning, the angel’s words told her that she was to bear the Son of God, but he told her little more. How was she to approach Joseph with this, how would he respond, how was she to deal with her puzzling pregnancy in her community? Questions with no answers ….

The journey to Bethlehem; the flight into Egypt; the encounter with Simeon; each left her with more questions than answers. Losing Jesus in Jerusalem when He was 12 must have been frightful. Had they been negligent without realizing it? And, Jesus’ response when they found him! More questions with no answers …

From the Gospel accounts, Mary, the Mother of Jesus experienced this “walking in twilight” many times.

The Annunciation, painting by Luca Giodano, 1672

Even though Mary had been given more revelation about Jesus than anyone else, still there was much she had to just surrender to the mystery and “kept all these things in her heart” [Luke 2:51]. The vehement rejection of Jesus by her neighbors in Nazareth, and by her nation; the anguish she endured along with Him during His Passion; but always with the promise that God would make things right. It seems that God lets us see only just enough to keep going, but not enough to be confident we know where we’re going. For, it’s trust in Him that He seeks in us.

Mary responded to what she was able to and left the rest in God’s hands.

In times like ours, when it all seems “too much,” when we’re so perplexed by this situation God has placed us in that we think that it’s only the special among us, the blessed ones, who can handle walking in twilight with grace. That’s when we need to remember that, through it all, Mary did not panic, she did not despair. Rather, she “kept all these things in her heart” and kept moving forward, responding to what she was able to and left the rest in God’s hands.

So, in this really challenging time for people of faith, let’s turn to Mary, who trusted that God had a purpose in her trials, as difficult to see as it may have been at the time. We must be like Mary, going on with our walking in twilight; but, knowing in our hearts that it will be getting lighter soon.

“Till next time.

Dcn Bob Evans

July 6, 2019

Scripture References

Luke 2:51

GOOD NEWS: My book, Walking the Parables of Jesus is now available at a 20% pre-order discount at there, just click on the yellow “Buy Now” button.

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